FREE 2024 Master Books
Your Homeschool Success Blueprint: 5 Steps to Thriving with Master Books 



5 Blueprints (Sessions)

9 Speakers

Are you ready to take your homeschooling journey to the next level? Whether you're just beginning to homeschool, considering a switch to Master Books, or looking for ways to enrich your current experience, this online event is designed to equip Christian families for an extraordinary 2025 homeschool year.
Write your awesome label here.

What moms have said about the Summit 

[This] has been so awesome and an absolute blessing. I loved last year's summit and didn't think it could get any better. Oh boy was I wrong. This was amazing!!! 
If there was any doubt as to whether biblical worldview is important in education or not, this lineup will help alleviate that for you. I've shared this summit with family and friends to encourage them as well. Thank you all for putting this together again this year! 
"Do you want kids who behave or kids who believe?" -Friel
This whole summit has really encouraged me to take a deep dive into WHY we homeschool...not just the surface level reasons but the heart reasons we chose this lifestyle.